

1) I dont feel safe to leave my keys to "stranger". What could I do?

►Invite you to meet CatsMammy: Before coming to your home, we can arrange a meet up for free in town. Catsmammy would take the chance to induce herself and leave you assured about her expertise. 

►Rent our webcam: We offer you very attractive price to rent our webcam which allows you to check on cats and our service during your travelling time.

►Read our reviews: After each service, we have clients' testimonies that you could take a look as a reference. 

2) How do you return my keys? How do I make sure my keys did not get duplicated? 

►Cats Mammy will return keys to you in your preference, mostly just leaving at home or mailbox.

►If applicable, you might want to request our building security to keep your keys and open the door for Cats Mammy when she arrives.

►Cat Sitter is CatsMammy's full time job, it would be irrational for her to ruin her career built. Illegal behavior is out of question.

3) Any other Risks I should be aware?

►Please let us know your preferred arrangement if any exceptional case arise.

►Provide us with your veterinarian contact and Family number.

 ►Contracting bad weather, CatsMammy will try her best to arrive your home to take care of your pets under safer conditions. Inform you for any special arrangement.