the video i took the other day shows this fact quite patently.
Biological sisters Vs Not Biologically related
very obvious.... no explanation
When my family decided to get a kitten, we didn't even think about getting two. To be honest, I wasn't even sure I wanted even one. I knew from first-hand cat-sitting experience the truth behind the old saying: "One child is like having one child; two children is like having fifty."
Cats Need Company!
There's nothing sadder than a lonely kitten.
Sibling cats keep each other so happy, and so entertained. There is substantial evidence that companionship early in life helps kittens become more social later in life.
As a cat sitter, there are numbers of cats I have taken care of in Hong Kong. There is one confirmation i could make based on my experience is sibling cats always have time and energy for each other, even when you don't.